3 Ways to Price Your Home by Laura Pozarny

When a seller makes the big decision to sell their home, property owners will (almost)* always enlist the advice of a real estate agent to determine the best price. It is an agents fiduciary duty to get their client the highest and best offer possible.

...here are are some strategies you can choose from:
**If you have a home you are considering leasing, please reach out to me. I'm here to help. ⁠

  1. Practical Pricing: Where you price close to what has actually been happening in the market with the idea that it will trade at asking.
  2. Luxury Pricing: *Price high. (This is where the almost comes in.) Some sellers only want a certain number and will not take a penny less. You could get lucky but then it gives the impression that you're not motivated to make a deal.
  3. Excitement or Event Pricing: Price below market in an attempt to drive the price up with multiple offers. This one can be scarry too because what if your plan backfires.